Swimming & Camping with a Feeding Tube


You can go camping with a feeding tube. However, due to the lack of electricity and clean water, you will need some extra supplies. First, be sure to pack everything in your day-to- day checklist and your emergency kit. Then, add in the extra supplies you will need for tube feeding at a campsite. These items include:

  • Cooler

  • Ice

  • Bottled water

  • Hand sanitizer

  • Wipes

  • Formula

  • Storage containers for leftover formula

  • Electricity box

  • Extension cord

  • Pump charger


After the site has healed (approximately 2 weeks), most children with feeding tubes can swim. However, children who are younger than two months with new stomas should not swim. Be sure to consult with your doctor about any limitations your child might have before swimming. In general, swimming in chlorinated or salt water pools and oceans is safe. Some swimming cautions include:

  • Avoid lakes and rivers with unsafe water quality

  • Avoid public hot tubs


Only use bottled water when flushing and cleaning the feeding tube. Use hand sanitizer before handling any equipment. If possible, do not use the same syringe twice. Lastly, be sure your pump has a full charge before heading to the campsite. Charge your pump as often as possible using an electricity box, car charger, or at the camp pavilion.