Enteral Feeding Supplies
Feeding Pump
The Moog EnteraLite Infinity and the Covidien Kangaroo Joey are the two main types of feeding pumps in the U.S. The pump received depends on the person’s size, feeding requirements, and the DME company.
Feeding Bags
One feeding bag should be used every 24hrs. It is not recommended to rinse and reuse bags; however, if you have leftover formula, you can place the bag in the refrigerator between feeds.
IV Pole
IV poles are used to place your feeding pump and feeding bag on.
Enteral Backpack
Enteral Backpacks are backpacks made to fit a feeding pump with a hole in the back for the tube to come through. These enteral backpacks are an extremely helpful and convenient way to feed.
There are several types of formulas for different medical needs. Your doctor and/or dietitian will recommend what formula is best for you.
Syringes come in a variety of types and sizes. For example, catheter tip syringes are large with a long-tip and slip tip syringes are short with a thin tip. Many families use syringes for feeding, venting, and giving medications. They can be reused at home by washing with soap and warm water. Note – do not put syringes in the dishwasher.
Extension Sets
Extension sets are made for G buttons. They are used to feed, administer liquids, and give medication. They attach to the button and connect to a feeding pump, syringe, or a feeding bag. Most extensions sets are replaced every 1 to 2 weeks, but can be used for up to a month. Make sure to prime extension sets before use, and flush with water after use.
Equipment Use Videos
Infinity Feeding Pump 1: Pour and Prime
Infinity Feeding Pump 2: Set up and Run
Infinity Feeding Pump 3: Cleaning
Extension Set: Flushing and Clogs
Micropore is a paper tape that comes off easily when wet. It is a versatile adhesive and is commonly used for securing G-tube or GJ-tube extension sets to the skin.
Medipore is a cloth tape that is flexible and breathable. It is a pre-perforated adhesive, so no scissors are necessary.
Duoderm is a dressing that applies directly to the skin for an NG/NJ tube to lay on. The tube is commonly secured to the Duoderm by a piece of Tegaderm.
Tegaderm is a transparent film dressing that can be used to cover and protect NG/ NJ tubes, catheter sites, and wounds. Tegaderm is commonly applied on top of the tube and Duo-derm.
Gauze is a thin, translucent fabric of silk, linen, or cotton used to care for the stoma site, which can be irritated and oozy after surgery. This helps keep the area clean and dry, pre- venting granulation tissue.
Cotton swabs are commonly used to clean the stoma site and can be used to help clean feeding pumps.
Water soluble lubricant can help when replacing feeding tubes in the home.
PH test strips can be used to ensure the correct placement of a feeding tube in the stomach. The process involves drawing gastric fluid by syringe and testing the aspirate for acidity using a pH strip.