TubieTalk: Inclusive Mealtimes 

Mealtimes are a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, not just so our bodies can gain proper nutrients, but also for socialization and enjoyment. For individuals who are tube fed, however, mealtimes may look different, but it can still be an inclusive and enjoyable experience. Join TubieTalk in exploring some valuable tips and strategies to make mealtime more inclusive and enjoyable for those who rely on tube feeding. 

Understanding Tube Feeding 

Before we explore inclusive mealtime tips, it's crucial to understand tube feeding. Tube feeding, also known as enteral feeding, involves delivering nutrition directly into the stomach or small intestine through a tube. This method is often necessary for individuals who have difficulty swallowing, have gastrointestinal issues, or cannot consume food orally due to various medical conditions. While tube feeding is a life-saving intervention, it can create a sense of isolation during mealtime. However, with the right approach, mealtimes can still be a social and pleasurable experience. 

Create a Comfortable + Welcoming Atmosphere 

One of the most critical aspects of inclusive mealtimes for tube-fed individuals is creating a warm and inviting environment. Just because someone is tube fed doesn't mean they can't enjoy the social aspect of mealtimes. Consider the following: 

  • Set the Scene: Decorate the dining area with their favorite colors or decorations to make it more appealing. 

  • Consider Eating Outdoors: Having the ability to take mealtime outside can aid in creating fun, inclusive games everyone can enjoy and take the focus away from food.

  • Background Music: Soft, soothing music can enhance the dining experience and create a relaxed ambiance. 

  • Engage in Conversation: Mealtimes are an excellent opportunity for social interaction. Engage in meaningful conversations to make the experience more enjoyable for everyone and help create an inclusive mealtime. 

  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: Encourage the person to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences during the day. 

  • Listen Actively: Pay close attention to their responses and show genuine interest in what they have to say. 

  • Share Stories: Share interesting anecdotes or stories to keep the conversation flowing. 

Add Alternative Mealtime Activities 

Incorporate activities that make mealtime more engaging and enjoyable: 

  • Board Games or Puzzles: Consider playing board games or working on puzzles during mealtimes to create a fun and distracting activity. 

  • Storytelling: Share stories or read books together, making mealtime an educational and enjoyable experience. 

  • Involve the Individual in Food Choices 

Although the individual may not consume food orally, involving them in meal planning and choices can provide a sense of control and involvement to aid in providing inclusive mealtimes: 

  • Menu Planning: Let them help choose the menu or suggest favorite foods that can be pureed or blended for tube feeding. 

  • Food Presentation: Pay attention to the presentation of the food. A visually appealing meal can enhance the overall experience.  

Connect with Support Groups 

Connecting with others who are also tube-fed or dealing with similar medical conditions can be incredibly empowering and reduce feelings of isolation to help advocate for inclusive mealtimes: 

  • Online Support Groups: Joining online forums or support groups can help the individual share experiences and learn from others. To Join the TubieTalk community, visit our Instagram page HERE and sign up for our email list HERE.  

  • Local Support Groups: Look for local support groups that meet in person, providing a sense of community and shared understanding. 


Inclusive mealtimes for individuals who are tube fed are about more than just nutrition; it's about creating a positive and enjoyable experience. By setting the stage with a welcoming atmosphere, engaging in meaningful conversations, incorporating activities, involving the individual in food choices, and connecting with support groups, you can make mealtime a social and pleasurable occasion. Remember that everyone deserves to enjoy the social and emotional aspects of sharing a meal, regardless of their method of feeding, and with these tips, you can help create an inclusive mealtime for tubies all around your community. 


TubieTalk: Overcoming Malnutrition 


TubieTalk: Tube Feeding in Public