TubieTalk: Inclusive Holidays

‘Tis the season TUBIE jolly! As the holiday season continues, TubieTalk is focusing on what inclusion may look like this time of year for people within the tube feeding community. Straying away from the typical ‘food indulgences’ of the holidays and embracing all the experiences, traditions, and activities this season has to offer will help you/your Tubie feel just as involved. This month, TubieTalk reached out to others within the tube feeding community to hear their favorite holiday Tubie inclusion tips, Tubie traditions, Tubie presents + how they spend Christmas Day. 

Holiday Inclusion Tips for Tubies: 

Sit at the table with your family/friends, even if you aren’t allowed to have anything. Try to plan non food-related activities before and after like board games or a festive “egg hunt” with small gifts instead of chocolates! If you can/are allowed, have a taste of the meal even if it’s just a bite, I find it helps me get into the festive mood and makes meals with family easier too.” -Anna M. 

“Make the gingerbread house, decorate those sugar cookies, and don’t be afraid to adapt a pair of festive pajamas! If none of that appeals to your child, it’s ok! Find what does. Time spent together is what’s most important.” -Hillery B. 

“Invite the tubie to gatherings!! They might choose not to participate if it is centered around food, but that should be their choice. It always feels good to know I was thought of, and I usually go and find a way to participate, even if it’s just in the conversation.”-Samantha L. 

“Having extra space available in a refrigerator to store formula is always helpful!”-Kelley C. 

 Tubie Holiday Traditions: 

“Journey to the North Pole at CDA Resort with CDA Cruises. We are also starting a new one this year and hosting a gingerbread house making night with close friends!”-Hillery B. 

“Being home with my family!”-Samantha L. 

“Getting and giving presents.”-Nika W. 

“Waking up in our own home on Christmas morning instead of a hospital room has been my favorite tradition so far!”-Kelley C. 

“Ooh it’s a close one between decorating gingerbread or putting up the Christmas tree!” -Anna M. 

Tubie Present Ideas: 

Makeup bags/pouches! They’re great for storing syringes/meds for going out. Tubie pads or tubie tape, there’s so many patterns it’s guaranteed everyone will find what they like. Lip balms - if someone’s nil by mouth, their lips can get very dry! Comfort items are also always a good idea, I find you can’t go wrong with fuzzy socks or PJs.” -Anna M. 

“Adaptive backpacks from Target, switch activated Linkimals, Zippee toy from Möbi, sensory spaghetti, starry night globe, and bubble tubes!”-Hillery B. 

“One of those stuffed animals with the long velcro arms. It’s really random, but I like to hang them on my feeding pole!”-Smanatha L. 

“Hot Chocolate!”-Nika W. 

“Extra Flying Squirrel feeding pump holders make an excellent gift!”-Kelley C.

Christmas Day- Tubie Style: 

My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with my loved ones.” -Anna M.

“Snuggling by the fireplace watching the lights on the tree while dad makes Christmas morning breakfast.” -Hillery B.

“Opening presents!”-Nika W. 

“Sleeping in, playing with all the wrapping paper, sneaking sips of eggnog.”-Kelley C. 

Wishing that all the TubieTalk community has a healthy holiday season, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!  


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